Re-define the marketing mix including digital marketing

The notion of digital vs. non-digital marketing does not exist anymore, it is just marketing.  There is no digital marketing organization, but there is pressure to embed the advantages of digital marketing into the mix. On one hand this requires building new capabilities to conduct digital and social marketing (yes, even for B2B companies). On the other hand the classical marketing spends on literature, web, exhibitions need to be adjusted in budget and effort. That often happens against the wish of other functions in the organizations like sales or engineering, which have a long tradition of what they were labeling as marketing.

Consulting4Growth having a focus on supporting growth in the business will engage with the marketing leadership to develop the right strategy to balance these somehow contradicting needs.

An engagement can be from 2-4 weeks depending on the depth of the expected outcome. This does not include any building of capabilities, that may follow in an implementation project that Consulting4Growth may support, but also run by the client.

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